
Ecamm live
Ecamm live

ecamm live

If you ever do demonstrations, tutorials, or instruction-based videos, think how amazing it would be to create a live training series right there on your page or within a group! You can use the text overlays to quickly change the heading or provide materials, measurements, or nuances for the viewers to keep in mind. Do a few with Ecamm Live, run the numbers, and update your media kit to offer this powerful sell.

ecamm live ecamm live

You can position a semi-professional Facebook Live to leverage more money with sponsored projects. You can put the affiliate disclosure AND the shortened link to buy the product or service RIGHT THERE ON THE SCREEN. Showing them your day, your process, your screen, or the products you sell will build that community and allow you to showcase your personality. Just like Facebook Live on its own, Ecamm Live will help you build your community by getting in front of them. So far, I’ve got a few ideas for my own sites and clients. Okay, so before we get to the “how to use Ecamm Live” bit, I know you’re wondering how to use Ecamm Live for blogging. How Bloggers Can Use Ecamm Live for Facebook Live They already have so many fan-favorites and you can check those out here. Note: Ecamm Live is not the first tool from this company. I bought it and can help you answer any questions you might have. This post contains an affiliate link for Ecamm Live, which means if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you, I could receive compensation for my recommendations. We here at NDC use it and do recommend it if you’re interested in putting together a professional-looking Live broadcast which can easily be repurposed. Summary of My Ecamm Live Review: it is only available for Macs at this time, it now supports pages groups(!), you can share prerecorded videos and GIFs live, and you can share your screen. I bought it (with a discount code, provided below) and it’s pretty amazing. Yesterday, a fellow International Blogger Association member shared a neat find for Facebook Lives (shoutout to Debbie!). Such a simple tool can help build community, increase affiliate earnings, and grow your blog traffic. Learn how to use Ecamm Live for Facebook Live Broadcasts.

Ecamm live